"At least we're still around to try."

Jan 11, 2007 20:14

I finished SGA S1! And there was a motherf-ing CLIFFHANGER!!! I flailed a lot, then found 2x01 on YouTube, thank GOD. *flails*

Okay so first of all, the episode "Letters to Pegasus" was BRILLIANT. It reduced me to full on tears, streaming down my face - sheer emotional crying, not from deaths or shocking things or anything, just WORDS, and FACES, and these people being so isolated and lonely and yet bonding together fiercely as one big family. It was absolutely lovely.

And the whole finale was really good. It was very intense and nothing made me roll my eyes and go "Yeah RIGHT". All the crises felt dire, all the possible solutions possible, and all the heroism made my heart clench. These people! Their bravery, their intelligence, their ingenuity! Truly amazing to watch them deal with this situation.

I love love love the team of Rodney and Zelenka. I love when they get into their technobabble together and no one has a clue what they're talking about. I love that no matter what the problem, they come up with a solution and find a way to make it work. They're BRILLIANT and also really funny and just so great. Team Geniuses FTW!

I also, CLEARLY, love McShep and their BIG GAY LOVE. They're such an old married couple, it's FABULOUS. Exhibit 1: In, uh, the episode where they look for the ZPM on that planet, when the doctor lady was flirting with Rodney, John had a KICKED PUPPY look on his face! Oh my darling! And later, when John and Teyla and Ford were telling Rodney that the girl had a crush on him, John was distinctly discouraging, saying Rodney should get some sleep to be more rested and deal with it, and Rodney was like "Good advice!" and CLEARLY this is a dialogue they've worked out to cover why Rodney is NOT in fact going to the bed of the beautiful brilliant woman who's making eyes at him. Since he's obviously going to one Major Sheppard's bed instead. *hearts!* Exhibit 2: In The Siege Part 3, RODNEY FREAKING CRIED WITH RELIEF WHEN HE FOUND OUT JOHN WAS ALIVE. He put his head in his arms, and when he stood up, he was BLINKING AWAY TEARS. Assdfkljsdfj. (ETA: I accidentally keyboard smashed "ass", I swear! It's a sign! :D) I'm not sure how they can be more canon, guys, BUT I'M TOLD IT HAPPENS. Heeee! This is such a fun pairing to slash! Without all the emotional baggage of Sam and Dean, y'know? Just sheer flirtatious FUN. :D:D

I'm starting to like Teyla a lot more than I did. I never disliked her, she just felt... artificial to me, in some of her mannerisms. I wasn't able to relate to her at all. Mona said to think of her as the product of an alien civilization, and I know that's true, but still - she is human, and I'm very much enjoying the enrichment of her character with flaws and fears. The part-Wraith thing is really nifty, too! I loved how brave she was with that - determined to use it to their advantage. You go, girl!

Ditto with Elizabeth. I really finally swung completely to her side in Letters to Pegasus, with her deeply heartfelt messages to the family members of those who had died. She's just... such a good person, and a wonderful leader, and I'm enjoying her a lot.

Ford! *sadface* He was such a sweetie. But also a little random and pointless, so. I'm told he comes back, so I look forward to that!

Basically I LOVE this show, and I can't wait to keep watching! *bounce bounce bounce*

ETA: Just as I posted this entry, I got an email saying I was accepted to the SGA eps comm! YAY! *starts in on S2 downloads*

In other news: OMFG TEN FUCKING MINUTES *hyperventilates*

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, mcshep

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