Still formerly known as starsouls1013

Dec 12, 2006 19:48

Today is the birthday of the most splendiferous poisontaster!!! YAAAAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN! *twirls her and smooches* Mona was most marvelous and recruited me and quietdiscerning to set up a birthday comm for the one and only PT, and a HUNDRED people joined, and at least fifty of those people made bday posts for her, so YAY!! The project was an awesome success and I think we nearly killed PT with the love, which, WOOHOO! We totally win ;) You can go check it all out at the_fic_machine if you want! (If nothing else, check the userinfo banner, by yours truly, because of course Jsquared would make out for Erin's birthday, and the LAYOUT, by quietdiscerning which is *flappyhands* SO GORGEOUS! Eeee!)

I wrote her FIC. College AU fic, which I will be posting shortly! Wahoo!

But right now, I have a DECISION to make. FYE is having this ridiculous DVD sale (omg, all these places are TEMPTING me, like WHOA. Stupid holiday sales! :P) and they have seasons 1-3 of Gilmore Girls on sale for 23 bucks! \o/ JAAAAAYRED. I dont really want to get s1 because i've seen most of it, and I want to see some of Jess's storyline because I haven't really. I've also seen a lot of S2 but not as much, I don't think. Is S3 worth getting, or have Dean and Rory completely gone to shit by then? Basically I want lots of Jared, and not too much jealous!Dean. Advice, people!

In other news, I have LESS THAN TEN POSTS until I hit ONE THOUSAND. What should I do to celebrate??

lj, birthdays, gilmore girls, jared

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