Brothers vs. Lovers. Also, a new name!

Dec 10, 2006 15:11

So I was pondering about why, of all my OTPs, Sam and Dean stand head and shoulders above the rest. Especially in light of Croatoan.

What I realized is that there's this undeniable something that all sibling relationships have that others simply don't. Examples? Evidence? Okay!

We already knew this, but after Croatoan it is without a single tiny doubt that Sam and Dean would die for each other, would die without each other, and care more for the other's life than they do for their own. True, complete codependence.

So I started thinking about my CANON OTPs, the one that were IN LOVE, irrefutably, within their universes, and holding them up to this standard.

1) Buffy/Angel. The epic love to end all epic loves. And guess what? They both die! First, Buffy kills Angel, and does she die? Nope. She simply runs away to LA for a summer of angst. Later on, when Angel's back, Buffy dies, and what does Angel do? Runs away to a monastery for a summer of angst. They're in love, sure, but they can each survive without the other.

2) Brian/Justin. Also most irrefutably in love. But I seriously doubt that either of them would die without the other. They might lay down their lives for each other, if it came to that... but I think if one of them died, the other would soldier on. A little broken, sure, but he'd survive.

3) Zoe/Wash. *sniffles* Okay, it's heartbreaking, but Zoe goes on. She lifts her chin and keeps living. She's changed, sure, but she's capable of it.

Okay, I don't have very many canon OTPs, and there are a lot that dance the line but couldn't be said to be irrefutably in love. But on to the next section of my little ramble: siblings!

1) Sam and Dean. See above. Nuff said.

2) Simon and River. River's about to be burned at the stake - what does Simon do? Why, he steps up on that platform, wraps himself around her, and says "Light it." !!!! The prospect of life without his sister is just - impossible for him to face.

3) Connor and Murphy. Murphy is taken out to be shot, and Connor rips a toilet out of the floor and jumps off a five story building to save him. He probably fully expected to die, but if it was saving Murphy it didn't even matter.

GAH! *flings hands in the air* And they wonder why the fangirls have all turned to incest. It's impossible NOT to! Jesus.

*draws eleventy billion hearts*

And now, I have a poll for you all! The absolutely wondrous wendy bought me a rename token, and I need to make up my mind on how to use it! I have two choices right now. The first is "taivaallinen," which means "heavenly" in Finnish and is just something I found while poking around dictionaries and such. I think it's an absolutely gorgeous word. The other is "exsequor," which is Latin for "to follow to the grave," and basically after Croatoan (see everything I just rambled about!) it feels ridiculously appropriate for Sam and Dean, and I kinda vaguely want my name to be a tribute to them.

So! Help me decide!

Poll Anne's new LJ name!

wincest, lj, tams, supernatural, firefly, lj name, bds, poll, incest, buffy

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