The rectangular rocketship will become several logical teeth.

Nov 27, 2006 16:11

I just came back from the most entertaining hour of class! We played Surrealist games, and the results were absolutely hilarious.

The first game was one where you passed a piece of paper around and each person wrote a word or two, covering what they wrote before they passed it on. The structure went like this: article and adjective, noun, verb, article and adjective, noun. So the result was a completely random sentence! We were split into groups of five and each group passed around 5 sheets of paper, then picked the best result and read it out to the class. We combined these four sentences into a "poem" and this was the result:

The rectangular rocketship will become several logical teeth.
The tasty echo is licking my evaporated orange.
The dark clown will mourn a gay car.
My shy tree gyrates the disgusting wonton.

The hilarious thing is that you can actually make a semi-coherent analysis about loss of innocence and virginity. Or you can TRY. *giggles* So, so priceless.

The next game was where you had to write a sentence, then the next person would write its opposite, cover the first sentence and pass it on. This was passed around twice so you ended up with a series of 10 sentences, each the "opposite" of the one before, and it was really interesting (and sometimes bizarre!) to see the progression. This was my sentence and what it became:

Walking around the woods is bliss.
Running around a field is terrifying.
Standing still in a forest is calming.
Standing still in an open field is terrifying.
Moving quickly about in a claustrophobic room is invigorating!
Standing perfectly still in a vast field is enervating!
Jumping up and down in a small box is saddening.
Squatting in an empty swimming pool is exhilarating.
Stretching in a full hot tub is stressful.
Curling in an open grave loosens the bones.

It helped that Nick was in my group, because he's random and absolutely hilarious. Oh, Nick.

Speaking of Nick, some of you might remember when I was talking about two guys in my class being slashy? Yeah, he's one of them. The other's Dan. And they were at it again! *laughs* As I was walking to class, they were approaching the building from the other side (together!) and Nick grinned at me and said "You ready for some existentialist games?" and Dan said to him "Surrealist, baby, Surrealist." I had to hurry inside to hide my grin. And then they sat next to each other and were bantering all through class and oh man they are so funny and great and awesome. Heee.

So that was a deeply entertaining period! Now I have to write a paper, for THAT class, due tomorrow *facepalm* Off to do that! :P

funny, rl, college, slash

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