Happy thing the first! I got a 98.5 on my Bio test! YAY! *twirls in circles* This is a GREAT relief, because I think I had an A- up til this point, and... let's just say that would hurt my GPA (I know, i know *dodges rotten vegetables*) but I just haven't been TRYING in this class because it's exactly what I did in AP Bio and it's not all that challenging, while organic chem has been taking all my energy. So I haven't been performing to my capabilities. But this test is going to go a long way to rectifying that! Yay!
Happy thing the second! Our second semester schedules were released today, and I got all my first choice classes! *dances happily* (Oh, I just noticed, I got my second choice physics section, with the worse teacher - ah well!) And most importantly, I GOT VAN ARMAN FOR ORGO AGAIN!!!! He's the ONLY good orgo teacher, and I think I would shoot myself if I got anyone else. YAYE! *glees* So here's my schedule for next semester:
MWF 8-8:50 Organic Chemistry 2
MWF 9-9:50 Physics 1
MWF 11-12:05 - Probability and Stats
M 1:30-4:20 - Physics lab
W 12:30 - 4:20 - Organic chem lab
TTh 12-1:20 - America in Black and White
Happy thing the third! I get to go home tomorrow, YAYE! And I found a ride with my friend Alyssa, so my dad no longer has to drive down here and then back in one day! *twirls* It'll be nice to have a few days off, and see my daddy family :)
Okay, now we've just got normal things (not unhappy, just not squeeful :P)
Thing the fourth: Five people have friended me in the past day! o.O Is this LJ just being weird and releasing a bunch of notifications at once, or did ya'll really all friend me just now? Well, regardless, welcome to the newcomers! If you want to drop a comment and let me know how you found me, why you friended me, a bit about yourself, etc, I'd love to chat with you :)
Thing the fifth: I would sell my firstborn for an animated icon of the Impala skidding in the SOON promo. Really, I would. I'm going to vaguely try to attempt it myself, but ImageReady is a bitch to deal with on this computer, so if anyone else could do it with more ease, I'd really appreciate it :D
Thing the sixth: I donno if ya'll just missed it or WHAT, but I uploaded
videos from Wincon of Susan and Jaida at the Dear Dean panel, and they are HILARIOUS. Go, download them! Shoo!
Thing the seventh: This conversation with Mona amused me!
starsouls1013: i miss talking to you :(
mona1347: Aw dude, ME TOO.
mona1347: Except with you. I don't miss me.
mona1347: I'm with me all day
starsouls1013: Hee.
starsouls1013: There's like, this mona shaped hole in me!
mona1347: AWWW
mona1347: DAMN SKIPPY
starsouls1013: I also wont make a deal with a demon for you though
starsouls1013: Sorry :(
mona1347: That's okay. I understand there are limits.
Thing the eight: ICON! *thud*