(no subject)

Oct 31, 2006 23:23

It occurs to me that Jared must LOVE Halloween. All the candy! The boy must be beside himself with glee. I bet the boys went trick or treating, and Jensen fed Jared candy while sitting in his lap, and they are SCHMOOPY and ADORABLE and hee. I amuse myself.

Two things of import:

I worked up the courage to call Danny. My heart was POUNDING. And then it went to voicemail :( I left a message, but now this gives me the ulcer-inducing stress of will-he-call-or-won't-he?!? *flails*

I recieved a wonderful package from daysoflo today! It contained Kane's Live In London CD, signed by CHRISTIAN KANE to ME! *BEAMS* Guys, Chris wrote my NAME! Heehee. Thank you so much Loey, you ROCK *hugs tight*

Happy Halloween kids! I celebrated by eating a chocolate bar. I rock.

kane, boys - danny, jsquared, jared

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