Wincon PICTURES!!!

Oct 23, 2006 20:25

I've finally uploaded my BAZILLION photos from the weekend! There are so many awesome and gorgeous ones, they make me happy. They're in a Flickr album, tagged with peoples names, so here's just a few of my favorites! Click on the link to see the rest!

WinchesterCon: EPIC

My road trip girls!! Back: paddle_slut, ringwench, Me (starsouls1013. Front: trollprincess, quietdiscerning, sylph_ironlight

I love sunsets. I really do. This was a spectacular one.

Ficwives! mona1347 and poisontaster

mona1347, Me, and estrella30

rachel_shanz, keepaofthecheez, and Me. HI DARLINGS!

Rachel, Lindsay, PT, Mona, 7timesfate, and me!

billietallent and paddle_slut, with a sneaky sylph_ironlight in the background!

Myself and the fabulous huggenkiss

Mona, Me and Cassi

Silly Jacki and Me


star_dancer54 (Jamie, my darling Southern girlfriend) and myself

On the way back, we stopped at SAD SAM'S!!! And yes, the logo is a SAD CLOWN. We decided that Dean MUST bring Sam here and tease him ENDLESSLY until Sam yells and storms off or cries like a baby. HEEE. Cassi is making the awesome sad face of woe. Also note: "Enter Sad Sam Here." YES PLEASE.

Then we stopped at a gas station with a bathroom COVERED in writing, and we made VERY IMPORTANT additions. Such as this one.

And this one.

And this one!

And also this one! There was much more that we did (for example, someone asked for a phone number and I wrote 1-800-WET-LEGS) but SOME people haven't uploaded their pictures yet! A great story about this: when we left the bathroom and were walking out, I said very loudly "Did you get pictures of everything we did?" and the guys at the counter gave me a LOOK. I facepalmed on the inside.

There are SO many more in the Flickr album, seriously go look!. This weekend was probably the best of my whole life - I loved it, I love my girls, and I miss you all *terribly*. I hope you enjoy the pictures, and YOU ALL NEED TO UPLOAD YOURS! No excuses! ;)

wincon, wincon pictures, rl pictures, fangirls, lj, wincon updates, supernatural

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