Wincon withdrawal!

Oct 18, 2006 16:17

Two notes about my awesome Mini!Metallicar:


And the license plate is from TEXAS!!!! Heeeee. If I had been given a choice, it would have been either Kansas or Texas, and this was totally by chance! *loves* Now who's gonna write the J2 AU where the boys set off on a road trip from Texas in a classic Impala? DO EEEET. *beams*

I still feel like I have the plague. I do not have a temperature - yet. However, the acheyness and fatigue tell me that this is more than just a dumb cold, and that my temp will skyrocket before too long. Here's hoping I'm wrong about that, but I won't be surprised if I'm not.

It's so surreal being back at school. I didn't realize how accustomed I had gotten to the con atmosphere. At the hotel, I developed a kind of fangirl radar, and it was like we all had free passes to just be as crazy and outgoing as we liked! So I'd see people with the boob-badges and stare at their chest, and whether I recognized the LJ name or not it was all "HI! HI THERE FELLOW FANGIRL!" and it was just love and joy all around. Now I walk through campus and barely recognize anyone, and everyone's all quiet and self-contained and it's quite a let down. I want to move to Nashville with THE WHOLE SUPERNATURAL FANDOM. Christian and Steve can come too (although they're probably included in that category - I bet they watch the show every week for their Jenny! :D) But what all this boils down to is that I had the most smashing time this weekend, seriously. I've been thinking about my recap, and realizing that I SUCK at chronology and will never get everything in the right order. So my recap will be more order-of-remembrance rather than order-of-occurrance :P IF AND WHEN I write it *facepalm*

Just something I have to do, if anyone on my flist from Wincon DOESNT want pictures of them put online, speak now or... tell me later once they're online. But preferably for you, speak now!

Aaaaand now I need to crash and have the deepest nap ever. Roommate is gone for the night, so that's helpful with this goal. Catch ya on the flip side.

wincon, minimetallicar, rl, college, sick, supernatural

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