I enjoyed the Veronica Mars premiere well enough. Some great lines/moments, some good character stuff. However, it did not feel important in any way - I was not shocked or amazed or anything. It kinda just felt like more of the same. Perhaps the Supernatural premiere thoroughly spoiled me? Yes, I think that is it :P
I'm goin over to Andrea's in a few minutes to watch the Lost premiere - I'm givin it one last chance! I actually hope I don't like it because God knows I don't need another show, and I could really use having my Wednesday nights free! :P
Today was a strangely isolated day - I didn't get to see any of my friends! *woe* I had two classes, two hours of work, then another class in which I had to make a presentation. No one was free to have lunch OR dinner with me. I ended up picking up Quizno's for Fei and going to hang out with her for dinner.
Much more importantly, I did get to see a very cool presentation by the chairwoman of a program called MADRE, and a woman from the Umoja Uaso Women's Group. You can go
here to read about it. Madre is an organization that fights for women's rights all over the world, setting up programs to educate women and to protect them from abuse and violence. Umoja is a unique village in Kenya where a group of women have set up a community together to protect themselves from abusive husbands. The original women were raped by British soldiers in the 80s, and rejected from their homes because they brought shame by being the victims of rape. So they bonded together and have now set up this amazing place where they are learning about women's rights (thanks to Madre) and spreading the word around their tribe. They take in and shelter any women who need protection. It was very moving to listen to the woman speak. I would recommend looking around Madre's website, it's a very good organization.