Sex on legs.

Sep 24, 2006 19:35

Tagged by nebulein

[01] List your top ten celebrity crushes
[02] Put them all in the ORDER of your lust for them
[03] Say which movie/show it was that hooked you
[04] Supply photos for the said stars
[05] Tag five people!

1. Jensen Ackles

Those lips! Those eyes! Those freckles! That stubble! *swoons* Oh Jensen. He has utterly snatched my heart (well, my lustful heart) away. He's the sweetest mix of adorably shy and ridiculously dorky as well, with a touch of jaded tossed in there - man, I just love the guy :) Supernatural was the first time I'd ever seen him (honestly, I was like who IS this guy??) and I've only seen him since in some Dark Angel.

2. Eliza Dushku

Eliza is just... stunningly gorgeous. She exudes sensuality. She's also silly and fun! And ridiculously talented - Faith is probably my favorite fictional character ever. I knew her from Bring It On first, but obviously she stole my straight in BtVS. I also saw her in Wrong Turn (awful horror movie about hillbilly cannibals) and she ALMOST made it worth it *g*

3. Ewan McGregor

Oh Ewan. I had a Ewan period, and I've never had a "period" just for an actor before, only fandoms. I watched so many things he was in. I saw every picture ever taken of him (which is no small feat - the man's been around a while, and is not camera shy!). He is just... god, he's EWAN. There's no parallel! He's not traditionally sexy, not really, but somehow when he turns those eyes on you and flashes that smile, you just want to melt. I think I first saw him in Moulin Rouge, but my love for him developed out of a bunch of things at once, Velvet Goldmine and Star Wars: RotS among them. He's so fucking talented, in every way, and genuinely an awesome guy, so warmhearted and open minded. Yay Ewan :)

4. Sean Maher

Sean's just got this zillion watt smile that takes him from adorable to OMGSEXNOWPLZ in 0 seconds flat. He's sweetly awkward and beautiful and funny and I just want to snuggle up to him. Simon is another of my favorite characters of all time, and it's all cause of Sean. (Fell in love with him from Firefly, obviously).

5. Jared Padalecki

Jayyyyyred! This guy's just one overgrown puppy, with a smile that threatens to blind the world and an enthusiasm to match. He's so freaking TALL, and also, recently, built like a freaking truck, but in a lean, beautiful way. He's amusingly awkward and astonishingly graceful by turns. I first knew and loved him on Gilmore Girls - Dean was always my favorite for Rory. He was so cute and squishable and aww! And THEN I met SAM and I was like... *thud* I have just loved Jared more and more as I have gotten to know him through my love of SPN.

6. Gale Harold

*pauses to let you all collect yourself* Yes. Yes, he is THAT hot. The only reason Gale is this far down the list is cause it's not really Gale I wanna fuck, it's BRIAN KINNEY. But since Gale created Brian so marvelously, Gale gets my love too. He seems like something of a stoner, but he's so freaking talented that I'm completely willing to overlook that. Yes you may return to staring and drooling.

7. Christian Kane

HI CHRIS HI! I first knew him from Angel, as Lindsey, and definitely thought he was hot, but I really fell head over heels when I heard the man SING. My panties go up in flames every single time. It's my life goal to see him play live, I really hope I get to realize it! *crosses fingers* He has more than a touch of the redneck going on, but he seems like a fun, down to earth guy and I just think he's really cool. Plus he's best friends with our Jennybean, how cool is that?

8. Katie Heigl

Now you're going to laugh, but the first (and to this day, foremost) way I know Katie is the oooold Disney movie Wish Upon a Star. She was, like, 18 or something, but already smokin, and so charming. I always thought she should be a star, and now look at her! *proud* I've only seen a few eps of Grey's, but that included the S2 finale which, clearly, Katie rocked. She's so charming and charismatic. And oh did I mention that she's A GODDESS??? Just LOOK at her. She never doesn't look hot. It's mindboggling. Yeah, I'd totally do her.

9. Nathan Fillion

This is such an uncharacteristic picture, but I couldn't not use it, it's so lovely. But I love Nathan mostly for his sense of humor. He seems like the most fun, awesome, genuinely kind person ever. Everyone who works with him says so! And just watch the Serenity blooper reel, honestly. *draws so many hearts* I love Nathan, forever and ever the end.

10. Norman Reedus

Mmmmm. Look at those HANDS. Those hooded eyes! Guh. Norman smolders. His appeal is a bit undefinable - I definitely wasn't immediately smitten with him in BDS. But his impishness, combined with the ability to just give you that LOOK (you know the one I mean) won me over completely. I wish he would do more movies or something. But yes, much love for Norm.

And that's that! So much pretty :)

picspam, nathan fillion, ewan, jensen, eliza, meme, jared, sean maher

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