(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 01:30

So I watched Jennybean's first season Dark Angel episode tonight (on DVD - I've owned the first season for a while, but got sick of it after 5 episodes. People talking about it on SciFi today reminded me I should watch this episode). And AWWWWW. He's so YOUNG and ITTLE and he gets all teary and woobie and I just want to SNUGGLE HIM, even though... if you've seen it, you know. He's just... awwwwwww *holds him to chest* And he really does a great job! Yay for Jenny! Puts Jessica to shame, in my opinion. She can't really act. But this episode was better than the ones at the beginning of the season, I thought. Even though I didn't feel like I had missed ANYTHING - everything was still the same 10 episodes down the road. Which, not really a good sign. But, yes. JENNYBEAN!

episode reactions - dark angel, dark angel, jensen

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