(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 18:36

I GOT MY LUGGAGE BACK YAAAAAAY. I had drama this afternoon because I called and they said they hadn't found the bags yet, even though I was supposed to have GOTTEN them by then, so I was panicking. All my clothes! All my DVDs! My external hard drive! It wasn't pretty (sorry Erin, I was a total drama queen. You rock for putting up with me). Then I went to Devil Wears Prada (again! It's so awesome) and it arrived at home (my brother was here) while I was gone! YAY!

I am amused that my post chastizing you all about the Israeli interview ended up on spnnewsletter because apparently it was news! I thought it wasn't because jdsampson posted about hearing about it from all over her flist (even though I hadn't heard a peep) so I thought I had missed something somehow. Instead, my squealing about the boys is now out there for the whole fandom to read, LOL.

I'm really tired. I stared up til 4 talking to my darling mona1347, poisontaster, and quietdiscerning, as well as my new-ish friend Sean, who is gay and awesome and agreed to beta my gay porn *giggles* But then I woke up at 10 AM, since apparently I've programmed myself for that on the weekends. Oops?

I get to see my daddy tonight!!!!! (He was in Pennsylvania when I got home)


rl, daddy, movies, supernatural

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