(no subject)

Jun 29, 2006 23:47

I received my Hermione t-shirt from the Hot Topic clearance sale in the mail today! Woooo! It's adorable and she's the bestest ever and yay.

Oh man, I had something to say. Um.

Oh! Right! deirdre_c brought it to my attention that HOME was airing tonight (aka my favorite episode of SPN ever, I could watch it EIGHT GAZILLION TIMES. I've only watched it seven gazillion so far, so I've got plenty to go) and so I went over to my aunt and uncle's house to watch! (We don't have cable or satellite here, and I've been totally fine without it, cause we have SO many DVDs here, and also there's nothing good airing in the summer. With a few exceptions, but nothing I'm crying over). They have a huge flat screen TV with great speakers, and omg, it was ORGASMIC to watch this episode on there. At the beginning, something felt funny, and it took me a minute to realize that the sound was CRISP and CLEAN and PERFECT. O.O It was unbelievable! That's the highest quality I've watched an ep in, and omg, it makes me want my DVDs like YESTERDAY. *flappyhands*

So yes. That was lovely. I love Dean. I love Sam. I am always slightly put off by Jenny - it's weird, how the boys treat her, very offhand. Especially at the end, they basically brush her off with not so much as a smile. I mean obviously they're wrapped up in their personal drama, but she feels strangely background when they're usually pushing the chick of the week as hard as they can. (By they I mean the show makers, not Sam and Dean :P). I like that, though, that they kept the focus on SamandDean and OMGMOMMY!! When Mary showed up, my uncle Franklin said "it looks like evil mommy to me!" and I was all O.O no no it's real mary, it's their beautiful mother, doesn't this make you want to cry too??? *ahem* But yes, that scene is just... guh. The EMOTIONS. *cuddles the Winchesters* The poor BOYS.


summer 06, supernatural, episode reactions - spn

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