(no subject)

Jun 26, 2006 14:52

Hee! Oh, hee!! A little bit of Jared goes a long way to brightening my day :D Two things - first, azwewish posted a picture that just popped up on jaredp_daily that killed me DED.

Take a look: http://community.livejournal.com/jaredp_daily/25214.html#cutid1

His HANDS! His ARMS! His HAIR! His NECK! His look of DEEP AND INTENSE CONCENTRATION! *falls down dead* I love. I really really love.

And then, I was trolling through that comm, and I stumbled on this!

Read the first line of the article (at least - you can read the rest if you want, thought it's nothing new - besides revealing he likes The X-Files! \o/). I am very amused, and glad too. My trust of Jared's taste in people is a little wobbly, cause, y'know, MAYHEM, but thank god he can't stand Paris either. She's really one of the most revolting people ever. *shudders* Ick.

As a plus, the picture in the article is gorgeous :D I have an icon of it (see above!) but I had never seen the whole picture before! Durr. :)

So that's your dose of Padalecki for the day! Hope you enjoyed! :D


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