(no subject)

Jun 24, 2006 22:07

So Meg and I have gotten through the first 8 episodes of Buffy season 3 (that's up through Lover's Walk).

Firstly, and MOST important - David Boreanaz has the hottest Latin voice EVER. No, really. He blows Jared and Jeffrey out of the water. Sorry boys, but it's true.

You know, I love this season. I love it a LOT. Every single time we start a new episode I go "ooh, this is a good one!" because they're ALL good. And the reason for that is I love the cast of this season. It has all my favorite recurring characters - Faith, Angel and Oz. Plus the best villain, the Mayor. It's the best composition, in my opinion, that the show has at any point during its run. I love ALL the characters that are around (as opposed to when, say, Riley or the Potentials are hangin around) and so it doesn't matter who the episode focuses on - I'm guaranteed to love it. Eeee, I am so giddy with love for this show.

Okay. So. Buffy/Faith. I never seriously shipped them before, but you know what? They're nearly canon. At least, Faith being head over heels for Buffy is. She is so desperate for Buffy's approval, so excited to have someone that can finally understand her. But being Faith, she still keeps a distance between them, slamming up her shields at the first sign of vulnerability. One of the most striking things is how invested Faith seems to be in Buffy's love life - first, she gets really pissed on Buffy's behalf when Scott Hope dumps her. She does that whole (AWESOME) thing to Scott at the dance to make his date think he's got some nasty rash on his unmentionables *giggles* I LOVE this girl! But the point is that she does this for Buffy, in revenge for her getting hurt. And then, the clincher - why on earth is Faith so hellbent on killing Angel, on leaping to the conclusion that he's evil? She's never even met the guy! Where is this grudge coming from? It's because he hurt Buffy. It may also be partially because she's jealous - now that he's back, she's not going to get even close to the same amount of attention from Buffy. But it's mostly the hurting thing, I think - so she wants to do what Buffy can't, which is kill Angel. It's the Scott revenge blown up larger than life.

All this Buffy watching is making me want to upload some more Faith icons. Hmmmm. I certainly have plenty of them (a whole folder! hee)

btvs, faith, buffy/faith, episode reactions - btvs

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