Veronica Mars season 2 finale

May 23, 2006 22:07

Hmm, where to begin. Well, I was definitely sobbing and incoherent and OMGDADDY!!!!! I almost seriously thought they had killed him off, though until the credits rolled I wasn't going to give up. And then he's ALIVE and I was SO HAPPY because it's DADDY MARS and he is SO SO SO SO AWESOME. He's a LOT like my daddy, actually, which adds this whole personal dimension and DAMN I'm glad he's okay.

I didn't see the cassidy thing coming, at all, really. Which is the best way. Although Veronica's conclusion seemed a bit hasty, and I was all o.O bzuh? And see, this is my issue with it. I would have bought it 100% if cassidy had been played as a sweet kid who had this horrible thing done to him and then got in way over his head when he tried to get revenge. But instead, he was played as completely evil, cold and calculating, and EVERYTHING was pinned on him. Including Veronica's rape, which seemed.... a little convenient. I would have liked it better if the whole scene had been played with him almost in tears, desperate, like when he yells "MY NAME IS CASSIDY," which really got to me, instead of with this nasty little smirk and counting down the seconds until he could KILL HER FATHER. My god. As it was, I bought it 90%, so really, it's a winner, lol

And Veronica! My God, Veronica. Kristen is so stunningly talented, it felt like my heart was being ripped out when she yelled "YOU RAPED ME" and "HE KILLED MY FATHER". Ouch. And Logan! Loganloganlogan. I LOOOOOVE Logan. He's AMAZING.

And on that note, how happy am I that LoVe is back together?! THIS HAPPY. Like, REALLY REALLY HAPPY. They are ADORABLE and AWESOME and I love them. Logan is truly at his best when he's around her, and she's genuinely happy, and awwww. *HEARTS LIKE MAD*

God there's so much to address from this episode. Duncan getting Aaron killed = BRILLIANT. Best thing he's ever done. I'm so glad Aaron's gone, he just creeped me the fuck out.

Mac! Poor, darling Mac! I love her to bits and pieces and now she's so scarred and omg, my poor girl. I hope she bounces back. Damn.

Jackie and Wallace! Their storyline was lovely, even though it kinda got lost in all the shuffle. Jackie was totally redeemed, even by a few episodes ago - I used to hate her, but now I adore her. It's really sweet that she went back to take care of her child. And Wallace almost going to Paris for her! The crazy things you'll do for love, eh? But I'm glad Wallace is going to be around next season, he kind of rocks my socks.

OMG POOR WEEVIL!!! *clings to him* Fucking LAMB wouldn't let him walk across the stage! ARGH! *shakes fist* Weevil is 18 kinds of awesome (how funny was it when cassidy (!!!) and Mac were trying to tutor him? Heehee) and that really sucks that he didn't get to do that for his grandmother. Poor guy :(

Okay, my reactions are getting deeply unoriginal, I assume. I loved it, it was awesome, this show is great, bring on Season three!!

In conclusion: Nobody likes a blonde in a hamster ball!

episode reactions - vmars, vmars

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