Supernatural fic recs

May 14, 2006 02:39

Some fic recs, just for the heck of it, and because you should ALL read this first one.

The Night in Your Eyes by poisontaster - Wincest, ANGST. A very dark and hurty fic that is at the same time stunningly brilliant. One of the most unique approaches to a start of Sam and Dean's sexual relationship I've ever seen. Like I said, VERY hurty (bring your tissues) but so so worth it. Kind of general spoilers, through Nightmare I suppose.

Thunder by estrella30 - RPS, Jsquared. As an antidote to the above, read this short ficlet. Deliciously sweet, but in a very mellow way. Will just make you smile and fall a little bit in love with thunderstorms.

One Of Us Who Wants to Leave by poisontaster - Baby's first RPS! Aww! Erin was nervous about this, but she has no reason to be - it's absolutely beautiful. A unique, fun format that contains a lovely, if a bit painful, look at Jared, Jensen, chris, David, and company, and an endless circle they're trapped in.

(going through my memories, I'm realizing that most of my recent fic memories are RPS, rather than Wincest. Odd o.O)

count your blessings against thunder by whereupon - Gen, SPN. Like all of her fic, like reading a beautiful poem that just washes over you. Achey and wonderful. Might as well be pre-slash, because the boys are so in tune with each other, it's breathtaking.

On a Steel Horse by trollprincess - Gen, post-finale fic. And all I can say is - OW. This one will get you where you live. Of course, that's the best kind of fic. Just read it.

The Ice Is Thin by mona1347 and poisontaster - Wincest, post-finale, for those who want the Wincestuous look at what could happen (like me!). This hurts. This hurts a LOT. It makes you bite your hand and rock back and forth in your chair and tears stream down your face because it HURTS. But the thing is, it hurts SO GOOD. These girls - they blow my mind every single time. So, read this! And then read poisontaster's Underneath My Lucid Skin, which is the sequel. Hopefully there will be more! *crosses fingers*

Basically the gist of this post is read EVERYTHING EVER by poisontaster and mona1347, because they never write anything that is NOT good (including drug!fic and het!fic! seriously!), and also EVERYTHING EVER by trollprincess because she's disgustingly prolific and disgustingly good at the same time ;) Great combo for us, aye?

*loves all over the amazing fic writers that constantly keep her up to 3 AM or later*

wincest, rps, fic recs, supernatural

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