(no subject)

May 11, 2006 01:08

So I realized I haven't posted in a while! (Read: in three days) I guess being home and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with myself doesn't give me much stuff to post about, huh. Ah well. There might also be that I spent the past couple days at darling Michelle's house hanging out with Sara, Fei, and Rob, which was lots of fun and I'm going to miss them all this summer :(

RPS in and around the SPN fandom amuses me. I mean, clearly Jensen/Jared is OTP like whoa, they're absolutely undeniable if you've seen the pictures or interviews, but the rest of it is just funny. Don't get me wrong, I find it all very entertaining and hot, just like the next fangirl! But when we start pairing up people who have never even met in real life? color me amused ^_^ And when four of them have paired off into two couples, I start thinking about the likelihood of even one or two of them actually being gay, and it's not very high ^_^

Although, I did have one thought - the theater geeks in high school are always stereotypically effeminate, or, in other words, gay (I don't mean actually gay, just considered that. I'm not making judgements, just commenting on a stereotype). So why should that change when they actually become successful actors? clearly it hasn't since we're slashing them out the wazoo! But it's not a popular social concept, for movie stars to be gay - so why is it true in high school, but not later on? Hmmmm! *gets thinky face on*

I thought I'd post the results of the Favorite Supernatural Episode poll, since I got over 50 responses! spn_newsletter is pretty awesome for spreading info, huh :)

Aaand the winner is....

1. Hell House! (10 votes)
2. Salvation (9)
3. Devil's Trap (8)
3. Faith (8)
5. Home (6)
6. Asylum (5)
7. Skin (4)

The rest got three votes or less. I must say I'm a little surprised by these results. I suppose Hell House is the favorite cause the boys are HAPPY and EEEE, but I thought the fans of this show were generally angst whores? I know I am. My favorite episode is Home, and that ep is ALL about the woobie. I'm also a little surprised at how high Asylum is on the list, it was never one of my all time faves.

On a related note, I'll bow to tallisen's wishes and order the episodes from my favorite to my least favorite!

1. Home
2. Salvation
3. Pilot
4. Nightmare
5. Devil's Trap
6. Faith
7. Dead in the Water
8. Scarecrow
9. Bloody Mary
10. Asylum
11. Skin
12. The Benders
13. Hell House
14. Dead Man's Blood
15. Provenance
16. Shadows
17. Something Wicked
18. Phantom Traveller
19. Wendigo
20. Hook Man
21. Bugs
22. Route 666

To be honest, this list doesn't really mean much. I compared it to the same thing I did a few nights ago in a notebook, and the only things the same are the first one and the last five. Everything else in the middle is almost completely jumbled. Basically what that shows is that I LOVE every single episode of this show, and it's almost impossible to choose which ones I like better. All I know is that Home owns my soul.

On another Supernatural note (is anyone surprised?), is it October yet??? Whenever I think about Winchestercon, this big goofy grin spreads across my face. I am SO excited, you guys. Especially since I might meet my SOUL MATE, candlesandcloth, aka Sarah, who will just have to come home with me after that weekend because I don't think I'll EVER be able to let go *clings to her*

I've watched the first 5 episodes of House, and while I find it greatly entertaining, I am not obsessed. Yet. It did take me a while to get completely OWNED by BSG, so we'll give it some time :) Wilson might be the cutest thing, um, EVER *pinches his cheeks*

Speaking of BSG, I bought this month's official magazine, it's so shiiiiiny with so many pretty pictures! *salivates* I hope they do an official magazine for Supernatural eventually!

And on yet ANOTHER fandom tangent, I'm still enjoying The O.C.. But this is on a purely fluff level, so don't anyone get worried, mmkay?

Ummm... I think that's about it! Sorry for boring y'all! *mwah*

(P.S. I have FIFTY NINE Supernatural icons uploaded!!! Obsessed much?)

oc, rl, winchestercon, house, tv, supernatural

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