Icons: Supernatural, J and J, Quotes

Apr 03, 2006 02:01

Icons yay! I couldn't *not* icon this episode, and I found a fun quote style that I like :) So voila! (Fic and icons within a couple hours, wow. That's a first for me!)

[4] Jared and/or Jensen
[6] Supernatural (Hell House)
[12] SN Quotes (Hell House)

  • Comments are very much loved
  • Credit is REQUIRED. In the keywords or comments for the icon. Either shinyshapes or starsouls1013 is fine.
  • Do not customize icons
  • If you like what you see, feel free to friend shinyshapes to watch for updates!


    Sweet Lord... of the Rings!
  • icons, jared padalecki, jensen ackles, jsquared, supernatural, graphics

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