(no subject)

Mar 18, 2006 20:34

Transcribed from an SFX article by starfish1295:
We're just enquiring about the chemistry between the two leads when Jared Padalecki sneaks out from behind a drape. Ackles barely has time to announce "And here's my geek brother...." when, in a display of filial affection, Padalecki reaches over and pokes his finger up Ackles's nostril.

"Don't want you getting on camera with a big ol' booger hanging out of your nose," he explains before ambling away singing "Just looking out for you, bro."

Ackles shouts after him, "Thanks, man. Keeping it real." There's a pause before he dead-pans, "Does that answer your question?"


*squishes her boys*

random, interviews, jsquared, supernatural

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