
Feb 22, 2006 23:07

Because this amuses me far too much not to share:

In Boondock Saints, in the scene where they're stocking up on guns, they show a closeup on Murphy's bag and he's got boxes of Winchester bullets!! And thus, I'd assume, at least one Winchester gun. SWEET.

random, boondock saints, supernatural, fandom collisions

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exsequar February 23 2006, 07:00:14 UTC
Gotcha, with the character and not the actor thing. That's like Brian Kinney, who is literally the hottest person on the entire fucking PLANET, while the actor Gale is scruffy and hot sometimes, but usually only when he's all done up for photoshoots, and most importantly he isn't Brian. 'cause, Brian. My God. Uh. I might love Brian a little bit.

I never fell in love with Angel the show, really, oddly enough. I do love the first season (Doyle is so much love, and the Faith episodes! And I Will Remember You!) but not with an all consuming passion. I'm really more of a BtVS girl, but that might just be because I own all 7 seasons *cough* Seeing all of Angel is definitely on my to-do list at some point, dont worry :)

Wait, so, you've seen VM? Or you just read fic? I'm a tad confused.

Lol, Weevil is beautiful, and mostly for the EYES. He has the prettiest eyes I have ever seen on a member of the opposite sex. Want to know something funny? When he was a kid, he was in the Disney movie Kazaam, which I saw a few times a long time ago. When I first saw VMars, I IMMEDIATELY recognized him. This was like, 10 years ago! And you know how? HIS EYES. They are that gorgeous. *guh*


elmo_loves_me February 23 2006, 07:12:50 UTC
GUH, BRIAN. Yeah, it's his indifference that I love. Probably not healthy that I'm attracted to, a. sarcasm, b. indifference, c. cockiness, and d. bad boys, but OH WELL. :D I take what I can get. Brian.... can get anyone. Gawd.

Yeah, see, I never watched Buffy, only ever Angel, so. And I only watched Angel because the few times I watched Buffy, Angel was in that ep, and then Spike was on Angel too, and it was just my dream come true.

No, I've never seen VM, but I've read some fic, and so have a cursory knowledge.

Kazaam? Hahah, wonder if they have that at Blockbuster, I may have to obtain it. Hey, Heath Ledger has eyewrinkles. Maybe all this time, I was noticing that instead of color and not even realizing. WOAH.


exsequar February 23 2006, 07:20:43 UTC
While watching QaF S1 with my friend, she said something like "You know, I like Brian as a character, but as a person, not so much." And she's so right, in the beginning he's a manipulative, arrogant, selfish bastard. And I LOVE HIM. Later on, you definitely see more layers to him (I honestly think Brian Kinney is more moral than most people ever are) and that's what allowed me to fall trulymadlydeeply in love with him, but he is definitely not a "good boy" in any sense of the word. So much love.

I do like Spike, quite a lot, he's hilarious and hot and badass and awesome in many ways, but I never really had a passionate love affair with him. I think partly this is because when I was into Buffy, I wasn't really fully a fangirl yet. I didn't hyperventilate over shows and characters. Probably healthier, LOL

Kazaam was awesome, at least in my memory. It also had SHAQ as a genie (Kazaam himself). Priceless.

Haha! Unconscious appreciation of the eyewrinkles! Heath is definitely *very* pretty, and I love his SMILE the most - how wide and genuine it is, and how his face gets all scrunched up.


elmo_loves_me February 23 2006, 07:30:35 UTC
God, after this reply I have to go... I'm falling asleep at my computer screen. Like, literally, my head is sagging/eyes closing, and I have to keep jerking it back up. I R tired, hurr.

Yes, you said it all, what more is Brian but a hot, hot, strangely moral fucktoy? Well, not a lot, and that's why we love lust for him.

Spike... his cheekbones SLAY me in all the best ways, wow, they do. And he even looks good that blonde, which is like 1 in a million chance (ok, Draco, and Spike, as far as I know) Fangirling is a way of life, it's true, I get that. I hate having no one to gush to at school about SPN, except one person. There needs to be still MORE fangirls!!

YOu know, mentioning Shaq as a genie... I think I saw that movie. But SO long ago, it's practically like I never even watched the opening sequence, let alone the whole thing.

GOD, his smile is.... god. This picture... best wrinkles. Jesus, I love that:


Soooo beautiful. *loves him*

G'night! *mwah*


exsequar February 23 2006, 07:34:14 UTC
I should probably go soon too, but I'm finally getting around to experimenting with Premiere for a SN vid I want to get going, and it's SO FUN. I finally got it to do what I wanted and I LOVE IT. *so happy*

Haha. cheekbones! James Marsters does have logic-defying cheekbones, there's no doubt about that.

You probably did see it, lol ^_^ I used to LOVE the original Disney channel movies, they rocked my socks.

Eeee! What an adorable picture! *licks*

Gnight dear! It's been fun, again! :D *hugs*


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