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Feb 04, 2006 22:06

Two snippets I adored from an interview with the boys (they were interviewed separately but at the same event):

How do you get along with Jared Padalecki?
Jensen: Jared’s great. I’m thrilled to be working with him and that we got cast as brothers because we are very much like brothers off screen as well. We’re very close friends. I’m a little bit older than him so I do feel kind of like a big brother to him but, at the same time, just as equal as well. He’s a mature, smart kid and a very talented actor. He’s someone I can lean on when I have to.

What's your favorite Supernatural episode?
Jared: “Scarecrow” that just aired after the break. We thought it was a great show, one to be proud of and we had a great director, Kim Manners who is one of our producers and it introduces a character that’s going to be on a couple more episodes and you see Sam and Dean butting heads for several episodes. They finally say ‘this is enough’, have some time apart and realize they love each other and will go back and be together because they’re family. So, I really like that episode. They’re still looking for their dad and it just overwhelms Sam and he goes after him. Real emotional stuff.

I didn't realize Kim Manners directed Scarecrow! (He was one of the big guys behind The X-Files) That's so cool. And it's awesome that Jared loves one of my favorite eps as well :)

The whole interview is here:

jared padalecki, interviews, jensen ackles, jsquared, quotes, supernatural

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