Norman and Vampires

Jan 24, 2006 01:43

I had a Norman day yesterday a couple weeks ago (there was a power outage while I was writing this, so my internet went down, and I saved it as a document... didn't remember til now).

Watched Gossip, which I realized I really had seen all the way through a while ago, but alas I was not madly in love with Norm then, and this movie isn't one to really cause me to fall for him. I mean, he's cutely artistic and shy and I loved every second of him, but I realize that I'm biased ^_^ Overall, not a terrible movie - I like the lead female character a lot (holy shit, we just lost power! Like, completely O.O Fuck.) and James Marsden is pretty charismatic, but the ending has so many holes that can be poked in it that it loses most of its credibility.

I also watched most of Blade II - well, sort of. I was on my computer and only looked up when Norman was on screen. I missed the first half hour, so I'm guessing I missed the introduction of his character and other important stuff. It was such a bad movie, oh my god. When Scud died, I immediately turned it off. No point in watching anymore, right? Lol. At least I didn't waste a Netflix rental on it. I happened to catch it on TV. Oh Norm, my love. For all he talks about only choosing roles that speak to him, how the hell did he end up in that movie? Silly, dear boy.

In other movie watching news, around the same time I watched Interview with the Vampire, and I'm rewatching parts of it right now. First of all, I far prefer Brad Pitt to Tom cruise, in general and also specifically in this movie. I think he's prettier, for one thing, and also a more soulful and unique actor. He really is quite talented. For a long time my impression was that he was just the resident Hollywood hottie, with little to no real talent, but I have been pleasantly surprised, first with Fight club and now this. Second of all, this is the most homoerotic movie EVER. Lestat calls claudia "our" (his and Louis's) daughter - basically saying they're a couple. Later, Armand's interactions with Louis are barely veiled as come ons. It's all very exciting, hee. Thirdly, Kirsten Dunst was quite the little actress! She portrays her character's complex journey with surprising ability - from a scared little girl, to a naive little vampiress, to a tortured woman trapped in an eternally prepubescent body. Her relationship with Louis is fascinating, how she calls him "beloved" and even kisses him once, despite their visual age disparity. Yeah, I really liked this movie a lot. :) I meant to make some icons, because there are exactly zero decent ones out there (unless I missed a random post in some icon makers journal, which is likely, but no good ones posted on the icon comm for the Anne Rice universe) but now I just don't have the time, and besides, I really wouldn't use them. So, no vampire icons, I sorry.

interview with a vampire, norman reedus, movies

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