So one of my toes has an ingrown nail, and the cut there has gotten infected...twice now. The first time, Sheena saved me from gangrene by getting the grody pus out (reference:, but partly because I've had to be on my feet so much at work which caused the nail to cut into the skin more, it's come back. So today I gave in and went to the doctor, and she gave me antibiotics and a note saying I can't work until monday, then gave me the number of a pediatrist, where I'll likely have to get surgery to get the toenail out (I've had it before, when I was 16 or so... it's not that big a deal, but watching them lance your toe with needles sucks and huuuurts). My point to all this is that missing work AND spending more money than intended really sucks. Fortunately, I'm working out something with Circuit City so I can come in and do stuff without being on my toe at all, so I'm not as worried.
Also, go over to Sheena's journal if you haven't and congratulate her on JOB!
Question for Arreat: Have you ever bearbombed in WoW?