"Because Clever Got Me This Far&Tricky Got Me In ,I'll Take Just What I Came For"

Apr 29, 2007 17:18

Short days and long nights, i've become a faithful lover to the darkness, and in truth besides that i'm faithless. Everything behind my eyes is dead, and the shine you see is lighted with chemical comfort. You hold yr hand in mine, and we tell eachother that there is more than this for us, that we mean more than one score to the next..Lying to yrself is a skill that takes pratice, to watch yr mouth speak words that mean nothing. To create the picture that is the opposite of yr reality, the nothing words show the world that [it's all ohkay]..You'll never know the places i've been unless you walk this dirty path, there is no kindness here&its' as brutal as an open wound..i'll just take what i came for, then out the door again.

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