iowagirl11 did this colour meme where you take the color that your friend gave you and you have to say your 10 favourite things in that colour, and then whoever comments on your blog and wants to do it gets a colour from you etc etc. Anyway, if you really want a colour I will give you one, but I mostly wanted to do this because I wanted to thing of my 10 favourite things in some random colour. She gave me orange, which is a hard colour. Anyway, without further adieu, here they are. (In no particular order!)
1) I have this one shirt that is orange and the sleeves are gathered all fun and it is almost the favourite shirt that I own. I think it is flattering and makes my shoulders look less slopey than they really are. I have seen the shirt for sale in other colours, but I just didn't like the other versions.
(That's right, I am proudly pointing to the Canadarm, Canada's contribution to the space station. Woo Canada!)
2) Arrested Development. I know that it isn't technically orange, but the cover sure are (okay one of them) and the dvd's are. Look:
3) Next up is pumpkins. I like the actual things, whole or jack'o'lanterned. So fun.
(Yes, that is a Dalek pumpkin! There is a tutorial
here. And there is a video of it
here - yes it moves around! I wish I was talented enough to carve this!)
4) Next is my friend
soloreader18 . She, obviously, isn't orange either, but it is her favourite colour and so whenever I think of it, I think of her. :D
(Sorry hun - I stole a pic of you from fb and cropped it.)
5) Pumpkin flavoured things - like cheesecake or hot chocolate or bread or ... ANYTHING! So yummy.
6) Mandarin oranges, or as I call them, Christmas oranges. I am not really a fan of oranges in general, or orange juice, but man do I LOVE these little, sweet, easy to peel things. *drools* In Canada you can only get these little guys at Christmas so that is the only time I think to eat them which is a bit odd. Also, I am not talking about canned ones or cuties or clementines, I am talking about the ones you can see in a bow like the one at
this link. (Sorry, it won't let me embed).
7) The color of my hair right now. I have been many colors in my life - all the way from black to blond to everywhere in between, but for the last year or so I have had this natural looking red (I think it is natural looking - until I grow roots) that looks very orange-y.
8) Cheese! Cheddar cheese. 'Nuff said.
9) As I was growing up we had this car. It was a piece of crap that was more of a burnt orange than the picture is, and the paint was all chipped and the seats were all ripped and I am not sure it even drove anywhere. More than anything it was one of my dad's 'future projects' and so it sat out in our yard for years and years. He did eventually get it running and sold it - but it will always be in my memory.
10) Fraggles from "Fraggle Rock". Obviously they weren't all orange, but my favourite one was orange (although she was considered the 'red fraggle' because she has a red shirt on). I kinda want to go back and watch that show now, but part of me is scared to ruin it for myself.
And with that I will say, farewell! At least for this post. I might do another post from the '30 day meme' or I might just do a 'how my life is going' post. Not sure.