Nov 04, 2004 07:34
So Bush won. I voted for him. And he won the popular vote by like 4 million.
Now, 2 things need to happen-
He needs to name either Kerry or Edwards to his cabinet in some capacity. 4 million is by no means a landslide win, so as a true sign of bipartisanship, one of these men should be offered a cabinet spot ( I prefer Edwards...I may have voted for him had he won the nomination in the primary.)
The other thing is the populus of 18-27 year olds need to get over it. You lost on 2 major fronts- Your candidate lost. The initiatives you fought against won. Time to either conform to what the majority (albeit not a huge one) thinks or repackage your wants into a more palatable product for the american people.
sidenote- being angry at bush because of the gay marriage thing seems stupid. the states voted to ban it. he didn't. now if he pushes through a constitutional amendment outlawing it, you have reason to go after him with pitchforks.
The moral of the above story- let's come together as a country, kick some ass, take some names, drink some beer, and generally quit all of our bitchin'.
I'm Kaleb Hart and I approve this message.