I've been offline for just over a week. For which I apologize. Often this is the closest I can come to being there for various friends as I my work regime occupies about 12 hours of day (travel time included).
Now, I know that LJ is the same thing, and I'd like to think that all of my friends know that it never takes more than a phone call for either
_sidonie_ or myself to see if we can find a way to help. But, that being said. When my friends are sharing their thoughts and frustrations on LJ I feel it's important to know that they are not alone, or to disagree with them or agree with them accordingly.
So, I'm going to try to spend a little bit more time on LJ.
But, still not as much as before. We have some very big things happening out in the the 'Shwa over the next few months and that will mean reduced available time. (more in F/O post to follow). I don't get e-mails at the office for comment notification. So, if you comment and don't hear back from me immed, it's not that I'm ignoring you, it's that I'm not yet aware of your comment.
Namaste all.