Growing up in 2008

Jan 03, 2008 22:12

So, this is a recurring theme in my journal, but it's raising it's head again.

The changing year is another opportunity for me to look at the fact that I've pretty much cut myself off from people and that this is something I don't like about myself. In fact it's something I hope to work on in 2008.

Between disappointing myself and others with missed deadlines and failed projects, not staying in touch with ANYBODY and pretty much working/studying/sleeping (with the occasional relaxing with Sid and playing M:TG in there) I've pretty much gotten to the point where I'm confidant that I could fall off the face of the planet and there are very few people who would notice.

This is not a whine or a plea for attention, but the recognition of the fact that I am living in a way that is cutting out some of the experience of what this life can offer.

I wrote on Christmas day about having lived the life I needed to for the last few years, and to a large degree, that's true... but in this respect I have failed myself. And of course... those around me.

So, can anyone recommend simple things that I can add to my life to actually work on rekindling and maintaining friendships? I've never known how to do this... .always been a loner.

Cheers all,

P.S. This is hardly a "poor me" thing... I've gotten a pretty fantastic life here, with my wonderful wife and the home we share, I am happy with most of who I am and what I've become as an artist and a developer. This is much more about taking stock of my flaws and trying to fix them

2008, personal development

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