Some London Lovin'

Feb 19, 2009 11:25

Yesterday, I had a very enjoyable lunch with the CEO UK of my company and after the lunch, while discussing the lunch with my boss, I found out that the said CEO and his family are members of the English royalty and very influential figures in the British economy. Fascinating stuff, especially given how approachable and warm he was and how very humble he seemed about his own past. It restores faith in my belief that those on the top in my very European-cultured bank are not necessarily pompous bastards (unlike in those American banks, I have much disdain for you, Thain. And, if you've heard of my encounter with Lord Griffith, you'd know that I'm not a big fan. Pfft)

Ooh, and I am scheduled for a very exclusive dinner with one of the top female MDs in the industry on Monday evening, which clashes with my writing class :( I need two of me - I'm double-booked, AGAIN! I've met the lady before and I find her very charming. The part-Italian, who grow up in NYC, exudes energy with her constant banter and easygoing laughter.

Last weekend at Glasgow was lovely with the girls on Valentine's - much girly fun was had. And gosh, how straight my hair was after all that styling (expect a hair post to come up soon). I look forward to a very packed weekend of catching up with people who've been out of town for a few weeks, to hosting a Danish visitor, to settling down a junior moving from NYC and generally enjoying London for a bit.

Shoutouts to any London readers who might be lurking - I'll be going to the 'Picasso: Challenging the Past' at the National Gallery, been watching out for it. My company's sponsoring NG for the next three years so all paid exhibitions are free for me and a guest - let me know! Hmm, should I bother going to the Sisley exhibition before it goes out? Not sure.

Also, more importantly, I will be attending various events at the LSE Literary Weekend next weekend, anybody else who's going or who has friends who might be going? Would enjoy some company :) Many of the workshops/panel discussions discuss writing in a socio-political context, an area which I am thoroughly interested in. Ah, since we are on the topic of London, any of you members of the National Theatre or the Royal Opera Hall - want tips on whether membership is worth it. Oooh, I'm signing up again as a volunteer at the Shakespeare Globe Theatre this summer - can't wait!

Back to work for me. After I got in pretty late after a harrowing morning this morning applying for my visa at the Turkish embassy. No, there's never such a thing as an uneventful visa process in my life, thank you for asking. Stern note to self: Carry oodles of cash to any embassy when applying for visa. No, don't take them seriously when they say visa fees amount to a mere 5 quid. Liars, all bloody liars. And what an idiot I proved to be this morning =/ Gah. Running on 4 hours of sleep - need to stop wasting time on FB/Twitter/random blogs, etc!

london, worklife, theatre, travel, visa woes, art, writing, literature, corporate-whoredom

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