Title: To Mend a Butterfly's Broken Wing
Author: exquisite_ugly
Rating/Warnings: M (language, sexual situations)
Summary: After the newborn fight things take a different turn with the Volturi. Edward goes missing, the Cullen's leave to search for him, and Bella flees town from the pain of loss. Can Jacob help her deal with the grief a second time? AU
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Did I miss something? 'Cause I don't know what you're talking about.
Standing ovation for Billy, It's hard to lean on others when you know they shouldn't be carrying so much.
I almost felt for Edward. Almost. Am I the only one, by the way, who thinks that Jake can trigger a strong memory/emotion with Edward? I mean, Jacob was on top of Edward's "People who I hope will burn in hell-list".
I always thought Billy would find it hard to lean on Jake so much! That'd be tough for a parent. And glad I could at least make you *almost* feel for Edward. ;) And very good point about Jake.. that will be coming up soon! Thanks for the review. :)
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