Title: To Mend a Butterfly's Broken Wing
Author: exquisite_ugly
Rating/Warnings: M (language, sexual situations)
Summary: After the newborn fight things take a different turn with the Volturi. Edward goes missing, the Cullen's leave to search for him, and Bella flees town from the pain of loss. Can Jacob help her deal with the grief a second time? AU
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Then when Bella accepted the proposal and they said goodbye to the Cullens. So sad. But so happy too!
And sex! And the beach house. And more sex!! I hate how some fic's finally get Jake and Bella together, they have that first-time sex, and then it's like, they never do it again! Who'd wanna date Jake and not do him?? LOL I laughed out loud at the "Hide the Salami" game! Um, that's what My Jacob calls it sometimes, and he likes that game as well! LOL Sorry. TMI?
Leah and Embry. I like that. She needs someone kinda mellow like Embry. Have you ever read Mrstrentreznor's L/E fic? It's really good.
Great chapter! It's all wrapping up so nicely. HEA's. Gotta love em. Most of the time. :P
And here... I copied the picture over to my picturetrail. Hopefully this works.. Engagement ring
And sex and beach houses just go together. ;) And no, this Jake/Bella have plenty of sex. lol Bella always wants him and vice versa. hehe And seriously? Not TMI... I'm jealous. I need a Jake who likes to play that game. LOL
Embry/Leah are a great pairing, IMO. A little volatile and a little mellow = good match. And no, I haven't read that fic.. but might check it out! I so need to get caught up on fics. SMH. Anyway, thanks for the review, hun.. glad you liked! :)
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