Aug 16, 2011 16:06

[Hi, Adstring. Have a Raphael.

She looks like shit.

We're talking pale, dark circles under the eyes, like she did when she was human and when three days without eating or sleeping. Or maybe this is the look of someone who's been living on a diet of meth and back-alley blowjobs- it's hard to say. What's easy to tell is the exhaustion, the lines around her eyes, a creeping paleness that, to some, will be recognizable as the same sickly skin tone found on Lucifer when he's been too long without a demon blood fix. She's uncharacteristically sitting down against the inside of the outer wall, and looks like she just lost a fight, with bruises blossoming darkly against her dark skin; they're hard to see in this light, but obvious to anyone who notices. There's blood on her shirt, but none on her.]

I would like today to talk about faith. [There's blood on her teeth she hasn't washed out yet. Raphael pauses, thinks for a moment, and when she speaks they're sparkling white again. She's tense, but it belies the massive amount of pain she's currently in.] Ideas about the divine are obviously shaken by time spent in this pandimensional cell block, but any world worth knowing knows some version of the Almighty.

Tell me, Adstringéndum. What do you believe in?

[Private to Lucifer (added in many hours later):]

Lucifer. Talk to me. In person.

((ooc: This is open to offlines from anybody! She's against the outer wall in the Northeast quarter. NOTE to anybody who can sense evil and good, or darkness and light: Raphael may confuse those senses... more than you'd expect. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.))

gabriel made out with a hot dog, lucifer is a dirty pirate hooker, hard out there for an angel, !mini-plot: lucifer goes fucknuts, the seeping darkness, daddy y u do dis, the family that fails together, hellfire

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