completely gratuitous hamster post

Dec 22, 2006 07:04

Hamsters loose on the desk. Winston charges straight for the leftover apple. Rosencrantz falls off my shoulder and onto his back, feet wriggling in outrage -- legs too short to easily right himself. I don't know how dwarf hamsters survive in the wild, or maybe mine's just physically handicapped. He ignores the apple. There is a moment of tension between plump gray poofball and imminent rodent overlord, but they decide, like always, to merely part ways. I referee their interaction until I can locate Rosencrantz's teeny plastic ball, which should protect him from any of Winston's evil urges. And also capable of mowing Winston down, but Winston's pretty agile. He can leap about 4-6 inches horizontal and climb everything in my room (including me). Right now he has chosen to willingly re-enter his cage and run on the wheel, which might seem odd but he's explored everything in here anyway.

Rosencrantz is much more difficult to catch, being smaller and more fragile. With Winston, you can pretty much pick him up one-handed around the middle, no worries. With teeny fluffball, you must trap him between your hands and then scoop. He has finally learned how to climb on top of his house, but he still routinely trips over wood shavings and falls over into his food dish, that kind of thing. His cage is made of clear plastic on all four sides, so when he wants to come out he stands by a wall on his hind legs and flails at me. It is impossible to convey how hilariously bizarre this looks, other than to mention that it once compelled my dad to tell me that my hamster was retarded. He will also lie on his back to drink from his water bottle, or flatten himself out on the ground. This is my fault, as the spout part is too long and therefore too close to the ground. I bought it because the old one was too high off the ground (everything I had was meant for the larger syrian hamsters like Winston) and also broke. Oh well.

Wow. I just watched Rosencrantz run straight into a wall from like, three feet away. o_O I guess dad was right?
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