
Mar 13, 2005 21:07

i've returned to the land of livejournal because i felt it only appropriate that i update about nhd once again. last march, almost exactly a year ago, i had the pleasure of announcing to the lj community that i had placed first in the regional history day competition. well if you hadn't already guessed, i get to say it again:

OUR VIDEO CAME IN FIRST! and we actually had like..a lot of competition this year (opposed to only one other group).
so yes this means that i'm headed to cooperstown again!! oh wow i have much to say and my thoughts are all s c a t t e r e d.
first things first CONGRATULATIONS!!! to all of the southies who made us look damn good by winning :-D...i dont actually remember exaaactly who won, but i do know that south was well represented (and so was felix festa...they took every first prize except in one category and only 4 times did first, second, or third go to someone not from ffms!). so let's see...
YAY for:
MERLYN! (1st, individual exhibit)
KRISTEN! (2nd individual exhibit)
SAM AND MATT! (2nd group exhibit)
ALEX! (2nd, historical paper)
ANDRE! (2nd, individual performance)
LAUREN! (1st, individual documentary)
JON! (2nd, individual documentary)
SARAH, RYAN, and CHRIS! (2nd, group documentary)
ALEX, ALI, and MOI (as we did come in first for group documentary and deserve a yay...haha that sounds so arrogant)

everyone else who competed...you guys were amazing and deserve a lot of credit for entering and dealing with such a painfully long/stressful day.
ahhh i cant wait for states!!

ok..other stuff...Kiss Me Kate was viewed by a very large number of southies ( so large, in fact, that we took up an entire row in the auditorium..not a small feat as we were in the middle section too). tom was...adorable...he must steal his costumes, and the pimp costume worn by one of the other people in the play because it belongs on ME as i am a musical pimp who lends out her hos (cds) to people. hahah...katrina and i have too much time on our hands to come up wtih these things. overall the play was...too easy to make snide remarks about..which we did obnoxiously loudly. but we did that about everything...and stole signs *yay* twas a lovely evening =)

then nhd happened...and i've talked enough about that probably. all i know is that our interview was kickass and the entire day was great...and really stress-free (at least compared to last year). annnd i got to see mrs. padilla/buttigieg which was wonderful in itself. so yayy.

babysat for aidan (kid who lives down the street from me) last night for like 5 hours and made lots of money...the kid was asleep pretty much the entire time. which meant i got to watch moulin rouge and eat triscuit and read bridget jones's diary and listen to music and watch snl and have a grand old time.

today was wasted out on long island for my cousin's christening which was truly boring and i've decided my family sucks, but it could have been worse. i spent most of the time talking to my cousin's cousin, yvonne who is a year younger and quite cool. lots of kids screaming gave me a nice headache, however, and yea..just uber tired now. and there was lots of traditional italian music played and i'm not a big fan of the acordion but all the old people are. bah.

so yes, that's the basic run down. now i must cram for a social studies test i didnt know i had (or rather had conviently forgotten about in all of this excitement). and yay tomorrow is a day devoted to pi(e)! which makes me oddly happy.
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