Mar 10, 2006 22:39
School was dumb except for Jamie and Tom and Seth, but the rest of the day was fantastic. I went to Milford with Fetus Marie, and we had a good time. It consisted of:
Jets Pizza
Petting a cute doggy at Aura
Adventures to Central Park
Trash-talking President Bush
Dancing and singing to Disney tunes
Writing a N33T S33N song on Jamie's keyboard.
I liked it a lot and was bummed when I had to leave, but I'm sure Jamie was sleepy. I'm sleepy now.
Anyway, instead of joinging a club, Ms. Fetus and I are starting one together! Since there is no such thing as an Astronomy Club, we're meeting with Mr. Schubert and being the leaders of it ourselves. So, if you'd like to join the Astronomy Club, see either Jamie or me.
Tom might be coming over tomorrow for my grandparent's birthday. I hope he can; I'd enjoy that. My Gramma always asks how he's doing, so this time he can tell her himself. Heehee!