Apr 02, 2005 13:40
I'm having a good time in Texas so far. Even though I leave on monday it was a good trip. I guess I am guilty of having preconcieved notions about the people here. Yet I haven't really got into a long conversation with anyone. But they seem nice. Except when they drive. You let someone in. People won't even look at you let alone give you a wave.
Last night we went to the River walk and saw the Alamo. ZZzzzzzzz... The river walk is a man made river that goes around in a U shape that has a thin path with restaurants on both sides. There are tour boats that ride along the river to give people tours of get this......all the restaurants.
Last night we saw Million Dollar Baby. It was good i guess. Acting was solid. But it was sooo typical for an Academy award winning movie. I guess maybe I was expectng more. I still need to see Hotel Rwanda. The highlight of the night was my mother falling flat on her face in the parking lot. she tripped over oen of the parking bumpers. It was actually sort of scary. She's fine.
And the highlight of today was durring lunch. At the restaurant we ate at a family of 7 walked in the kids were all under 11. They all wore matching "Abortion Kills Babies : 3rd annual Pro Choice Tee Shirt Day". Yeeee Haaa!