Characters: Open to students + Kenshin Himura
Purpose: Teaching others about alternate universes (amongst other things)
Location: Room 04 in Janus Hall
Time: Mid-afternoon on Tuesday, May 26th
Warnings: A few surprises occuring...
Summary: It seemed like a nice, peaceful afternoon and Tomoe-sensei's class commences. But there is a dark aura looming over the class that day.
Smiling happily at the class as she walked in, she set down her briefcase on her desk as she prepared to give her lesson. "Welcome, my students. It is a beautiful day outside, is it not? I'd love to teach a lesson outdoors, but the headmistress prohibits such. Oh well, we shall make the best of what we are given." Tomoe picked up a piece of chalk and began to scribble on the board. "Today we shall talk about alternate universes. It is often implied that the creation of the original universe, of where all life began, had a ripple effect that caused a few more to be birthed...and those caused others to form. Many universes can share characteristics, events, and even people in common...but they are strictly different. Somewhere out there, each of you might have a counterpart, someone who looks and acts like you but is not you."
Halting her lecture, she decided to sit cross-legged on her table. She gazed out at the class, wondering what their reactions to all of this was. Could it be too much for them to handle? Or do they not believe what she says?