Explanations and Clarifications
This wasn't intended as an argument so much as a conglomeration of many of my thoughts on fanon and fanfiction, in terms of evolution. I've tried to organize my ideas as clearly as possible in writing, but apologize beforehand in being verbose (the meaning of "less is more" is lost on me). It's helpful, but not at
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The universe of fanon, however, is as inherently organic and mutable as language (well, all languages except for Latin, anyway).
You don't know latin much, do you ? XD
For example, it isn't canon that Remus Lupin tends towards the studious and bibliophilic side of the spectrum
God, I hate that bit of fanon >_<
Remus is a natural choice in the minds of many, considering the studiousness he exhibits in the brief MWPP-era flashback (OotP; chapter: Snape's Worst Memory), his prefecture in fifth year, and the fact that he later becomes a professor.
Or not, given that Remus is the most practical and exemple based teacher that Harry has ever had. Sorry, pet peeve.
I can't actually remember if, according to canon, Regulus Black was indeed a Death Eater
Yeah, he was. And got killed for wanting out, according to Sirius (confirmed by... I don't remember if it's Moody or Remus, but it's refered again in HBP.
a sense of competition and hostility between Regulus and his brother
XD got hang out at th Blackcestuous comm, too.
I don't have enough experience in different communities to judge whether there exist any overarching, fanon-specific ideas which pervade all of fandom; perhaps someone out there has, and can enlighten me?
There's the pervasiveness of the SiriusxRemus ship, and it's bloody annoying.
nothing is more daunting than creating something from nothing
We write fanfics ! It's not like we were doing that in the first place.
I think that fanon, is like all good guidelines. It's nice to follow it. And it's nice to break it.
You probably have no idea who I am; for the past few months I've been more of a passive observer in fandom rather than an active participant... because I'm shy, because I'm busy, and because I'm still fumbling my way around this place
Hallo, and welcome ^^ not that I'm anyone either in this fandom ^^
And, ah, no. I don't know any Latin, really -- but I thought being termed a "dead language" essentially meant that it had more or less stopped evolving?
I actually like that pairing when it's well written. I just sometimes want to bash the writers with a James-shaped stick ^_^ And well, previously mentioned dislike of fanon bookish, shy Remus. (but that's just as bad with my favourite Remus pairing, so heh)
I'm not very knowledgeable about Latin, but it's a language that's had a long life full of mutations... Middle Age latin isn't Roman Empire latin isn't Republique era latin etc. In many ways the language is also very active in the making of new words in lots of scientific fields (even if it's then sometimes bastardized with Greek.
Well, I wish that R/S was canon, but it's obviously no more canon than H/D -- or are people writing that as canonical these days, to? ;) (I most definitely hope not.)
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