yeah... chill...

Feb 25, 2004 23:57

nice quiet tonight.

had me a few brownies... i'm cool.

so it looks like the move is final. the loan supposedly went through today, and tomorrow they fund. which means i'll be heading down to the LBC for sure this weekend to assist with the move.

it's pretty trippy. i still don't fully realize how close the move is. like, i know it's coming, but at the same time, i can't truly grasp the concept, i can't believe that home will no longer be home.

makes me sad. nostalgic. wistful. i never thought the day would come where i'd be forced say goodbye to my house. but not just my house, my neighborhood, the streets and places and people and memories that made my childhood what it was. no more long hot summers riding bikes and buying ice cream and corn and staring at the skies at night on the phone and playing catch in the backyard and climbing the tree out front. because that's what this move symbolises for me, you know? this is it. it's like, for reals this time, i'm grown up now...

heh. it reminds me the last episode of the growing pains. heeh!

yeah. anyway.

we had first classic house moment today. heh!!!

so we were watching angel. joser and me in the living room, and shaan and juiff in their room. it got really intense towards the end, because one of the main characters was dying and as soon as she did she kind of fell over on the side. i was speechless during the moment she died due to shock and so i couldn't help but scream [loudly and like a girl] when she jumped up all scary - demony. i got up because i was freaking out, jumping around, still screaming and then all of a sudden the television picture disappeared into staticky fuzz. i screamed even more, due to fear and shock and ran towards shaan and juiff's. when i was screaming the first time, shaan was too, and she reportedly jumped from the front of their bed to behind juiff, who was lying behind her, in the middle of the bed. as soon as i take off, jose runs up after me screaming, and once we get to shaan and juiff's room, we contine screaming and jose, in his state of fear, jumps from the cornor of juiff and shaan's bed to next to shaan, while i screamed and jumped up and down in front of them. once we realized that we were all screaming and freaked out, we started rollin'! i mean, nonstop, check and stomach hurting, due to the silliness we were all partaking in. cause it turns out the antennae went out due to the storm outside. but still. it was perfect timing, and just, yeah.

great episode. too bad it's ending though. argh. sucks when quality [well, better quality than that OC shit] TV goes away. sigh.
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