…And Now Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Programming.

Oct 30, 2008 13:54

Originally published at Exponential. You can comment here or there.

So, things have been pretty political lately.  With my latest post, something appears to have been resolved inside of me, and I no longer need to talk about the election.

I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I came to my own internal realization of what I felt leaders should be.  This is affected greatly by how I see the world, and our country fitting into it.  I’ve also been rather unhappy with the last eight years.

In a way, I think I was grieving.  Grieving the 2004 election where I felt some hope die, grieving at watching McCain change from the man I supported to someone I didn’t recognize.  Grieving my faith in America’s path that led us to see a qualified woman be passed up and Palin embraced.

And in some ways, my feminist fire was re-inflamed.  Once she joined, I knew rights I cherish were at risk.  I felt some sort of call from the past pushing me to speak my mind, and I felt as if so much was bursting inside of me to get out.

I also watched McCain become “Ok” to being an example of the type of leader I would be ashamed of.  Once she hopped on the plane, I was appalled at the negative tone, the attacks, the rumors, the lies.  It went from a Pro-McCain platform to an Anti-Obama platform.  I don’t need Obama to tell me that those sorts of things are divisive - I had Palin rallying the mob to show me first hand.

I was moved to Obama’s side when he spoke to America about race, and spoke in a manner that meant he knew we were adults, and held everyone accountable and responsible for their part of the success of the country.  He may not be perfect, but he was saying the things that I believed in, and in a demeanor that is collected and proud.  I believe that demeanor will be able to do the right thing, and do the things required behind closed doors to run a country.

I don’t think a presidency is entirely ethical.  But it has to have the appearance of being so.

Anyway, I feel like that is off my chest now.  So, I’ll be going back to the more mundane things of life, dance, and everything else that is part of the daily experience.

Welcome back!


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