Nov 12, 2004 13:43
So, it's been an assload of time since I last wrote in this thing. I won't reveal the reason that I have started my live journal again; I will only say that it is for very silly, Meg reasons. So, I'm back at VJC. It sucks, as usual. My classes are hard, the housing is restrictive, and we still have to drive about twenty minutes to get to school. Went to CP last weekend to visit my friend Jamie (I LOVE YOU JAMIE, if you ever read this), and I had a great time. Sort of makes me wish I went there, but I do like the paralegal major at VJC. But yeah, CP was awesome. Jamie's friend Cardy had this huge party at his house, and a thousand people showed up. Okay, not a thousand, but alot more than they expected. But the beer was good, the company was good, and I ended the night at 8:30am or so with Spaniard. Then, Wednesday night, Meg, Claire, and I went to see The Used at the 9:30 Club. Fastly becoming one of my new favorite bands (thank you Meg). The show was great, and I fell in love with the lead singer of the bleed or the bled or the blood or the bleeding....something like that. Either way, he was hot. We stayed after (Claire was determined to do it with Quinn), and we got to meet the drummer for the used, and Dirtie Burtie (McCracken) himself. And, if my computer retarded brain can figure it out, I'll put the pictures on here. Last night Becky, Meg, and I went dancing in downtown Baltimore. It's sort of a silly thing to do, but fun every once in awhile. So, I'm rambling, because I haven't written in this thing for so long, so I'll quickly sum up the last couple months. Becky and I drank a whole bottle of vodka one night (dear God she is hilarious), Eric Leh says Harry Potter funny, Meg and I still interpretive dance and cried at the exit of VDB frontman, Mike, I miss Matt, I have a new roomate, Jamie who is cool and who has a really cool friend (JILL) who is my new friend (YEAH), I still like chicken noodle soup and boring law, that's alot!