Should I Report This Punk, and to Whom?

May 05, 2009 11:41

I'm driving to work this morning and there is a VERY reckless driver on the road with me. Not just a little bit. Excessive speeds and obscene levels of lane-swerviness is the norm in Nashville, but this guy is taking it to a whole new level. He is going to kill somebody.

I (unwisely) make an attempt to prevent him from getting in front of me as we are both exiting the interstate. He swipes over two lanes, zooms ahead, and swipes back right in front of me, very proud of himself. It is now evident that he is headed toward the high school of which the middle school where I teach is a feeder school.

I have his license number.

I could call up the high school, but they can't do much more than talk to him since he did nothing on school grounds (Although they can undoubtedly identify him and do that much, if they want to). I could call the cops, but how many cranky old ladies make similar calls on a daily basis? I dunno, maybe I'm being a cranky old lady myself.

Plus, I was jousting with this guy, somewhat unsafely. I don't exactly have too much moral authority.

But if this kid keeps driving the way he was, someone is going to die. I'm not entirely comfortable just letting it be.
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