[Normal: Kimblee is hanging out on the outskirts of town today, wandering around in the snow.
Also Normal: His current activity is centered around forced population control on groups of wild Pokémon in the area; most call it "training," the local Rattata call it "horrifying."
Still Normal, If A Bit Disconcerting: Said population control involves
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Oops! Sorry about that!
After the initial jump-half-a-mile routine followed by the most suspicious look on the planet, he manages to seek out the source of the voice and - ]
Well, that was certainly...new, I'll grant you that much.
[Logic is slowly dying, but. Well. Adapt and...overcome...or something...
no really talking pink pony
In reality, this can't be any worse than the incredibly sinister duck and the talk of mouse-people, but there's something about seeing it in person that's kind of. Kind of jarring, let's put it that way.
Admittedly, it's no worse than Pride, either, and he's seen a fair amount of strangeness from that one...and this is admittedly cuter. Kimblee is not completely immune to cute. Pretty damn immune, but not completely. Sometimes things strike him.
...just let him get used to the pony with the weirdly familiar voice and he'll figure out if this is something that strikes him or not.]
[She leans against the cannon, a stray balloon shooting halfheartedly from its opening.]
How are you doing all the BOOM! FWOOM! PCHOO! stuff anyway?
I'm capable of using alchemy; I can cause explosions without the use of any sort of physical device. [He tips his head a bit to indicate that party cannon, there.] Or cannon, as the case may be.
And while I can't say that new things are always terrific, they're almost always interesting. Which can translate easily into terrific, if you're so inclined.
It's not magic, it's a field of study; people who aren't terribly familiar with it tend to think it's magic, however. Or perhaps some sort of miracle.
But you say you actually know people who are capable of genuine magic?
[All right, yes, he's talking to a pony, but unicorns? Really?]
I guess you're from one of those worlds where they're just like legends, right? Everyone's always so surprised when I talk about unicorns or pegasi!
Forgive me for asking, but where you come from, is everyone...well...
[...what is this question even, and why does it need to exist]
Are you all horses, then?
That's simultaneously sort of cute and really facepalm-worthy. He'll stick with the former response for now.]
I see. And what is it that these unicorns and such...do, exactly, with this magic? Outside of ensure that daylight happens on time, that is.
[She gestures to the balloons on her flank.]
Every pony in Equestria has a special talent! Mine's parties. My friend Rarity's special talent is finding gemstones, so she can use her unicorn magic to do that, aside from the basic unicorn stuff like levitating and moving things around! She's a dressmaker, too, and uses her magic to help her cut fabric and sew and all kinds of stuff! And my friend Twilight's special talent is magic itself so she can do all kinds of spells that other unicorns can't, like she can copy Rarity's gemfinding spell even though most unicorns can't just copy the special talents of others!
So I take it those marks have to do with what you're capable of - do you choose them, or do they just...appear, then?
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