There’s no mistaking the intentions of this young Elven knight: he’s charging, and he’s charging ahead at full speed, with great passion, zest and gusto. He’s the stereotypical warrior par excellence: brave, courageous, daring, and full of spirit, strength and energy. He has more than a little of the daredevil in him, is unafraid of taking risks, and usually laughs in the face of danger. Nothing gets him going like a solid dose of adrenaline, whether caused by a new love interest, a new project at work, a new sport or exercise regimen, or taking off for a totally unplanned and out-of-the-blue weekend getaway. Charming, attractive, witty, expressive, spontaneous and charismatic, the Knight of Wands attracts friends and admirers like moths to a flame, in spite of, and perhaps even because of, some of the crazy stunts he inevitably pulls from time to time. He razzles and dazzles without even trying. He’s the life of the party, genuine, honest and open, and has a quick sense of humour that often carries his audience into peels of laughter. He is honourable, despises head games and sees no point in beating around the bush. About anything. He is honest to a fault (sometimes too honest) and doesn’t have the make-up or stomach to be a schemer, liar, con artist or manipulator. His personal sense of honour simply can’t condone or even understand such underhanded behaviour.
For all of his many charms, the Knight of Wands has equally as many faults. He can be cocky and reckless when he fails to think before leaping. He can be impatient with people he finds too slow, impulsive when he wants something now and not next week, and hot-tempered when frustrating situations fray his nerves. And he can totally blindside himself to reality when he wants something (or someone) to the point of obsession. When he loses his temper, he explodes, and everyone knows about it. But when the storm is over, it’s over and done with. He is one of those rare people who genuinely forgives and forgets. When self-confidence is lacking or not tempered by wisdom and experience, he can be arrogant, patronizing, condescending and belittling towards others in an effort to feel better about himself. His most admirable trait, honesty, can be brutal when he is provoked. He is not a diplomatic person and will tell you exactly what he thinks, and not mince words about it. Those who ask for his opinion had better be sure they really want it, because he’s going to give it to them. He also lacks follow through, finding it difficult to stick to long-term projects once they begin to lose the luster of the new and exciting.
Like all people, the Knight of Wands is a paradox. Bold, brazen and full of life, he carries within his greatest qualities the very seed of his worst faults. If he can learn to temper his actions with thought, master his impulsive tendencies with patience and develop some self-discipline, the Knight of Wands can set the world ablaze with his vision, enthusiasm and boundless energy, and then there is nothing he cannot accomplish.
Some interpretations for the Knight of Wands:
Interpretation of Court Cards can often be a challenging task. Sometimes they can represent actual people. Sometimes they represent a certain kind of energy or behaviour that should be adopted, avoided or restrained. Typically, Tarot readers will let the spread dictate the meaning of a Court Card. There are many variables that can come into play: vibes emanating from the seeker, the lack or presence of other Court Cards and their positions in the spread, the type of spread being used, the type of answer sought, to name but a few.
Wands bring a creative, living energy to a Tarot reading, and the Knight is a card of action that represents the extremes of its suit: confidence/arrogance; courage/ recklessness; charm/superficiality; passion/temper; excitement/restlessness. When interpreting the Knight of Wands, keep these traits in mind and let your intuition guide you. Maybe there is a bossy, overbearing person causing no end of grief to the seeker. Maybe the seeker is being too impulsive and needs a reality check. Maybe the seeker has been stalling over a decision for too long and needs to take decisive action now. Maybe the seeker needs to slow down before going any further and take some time to think things through.
There are many possible meanings for the Knight of Wands. Listening to your inner voice will lead you to an interpretation that makes sense in light of the reading.