Taking out the Garbage

Jan 11, 2006 00:55

So today I'm taking out the mental trash, if you will, writing up a few
emails to clients of the designer i used to work for and wrapping up loose
ends. Some of them I knew well and just stopped talking to when I cut him
off in october, others owe me a few bucks directly, and at least 2 I'll
see if I can't just lay claim to as direct clients of my own.

if i get them, i get them, if not, who cares. Life goes on. since i have
no direct need for the income from any of it to pay bills, I can afford a
very laid back yet very pushy approach to the whole thing, if that makes
any sense.

If I hear from the designer, I already ahve a canned email basically
telling him to go eat himself and to not bother contacting me again least
he desire to be sued.

I still have 2 or 3 freelance jobs I need to get back onto. I put it all
on hold while starting this new job. From here on I forsee going after and
doing freelance jobs here and there, but only on my terms.

It's nice to have this side income and knowing that it's purely for
entertainment value. I get bored easily... hell, i can probably do some of
it at my 'regular' consulting job...they don't care.

I might dabble in another small business venture or two... we'll see.
nothing that'll cost me more than a few bucks but all with good profit

All of this has to be balanced with the book project, as well as another
more secretive project I'm working on...

This year is going to be very, very good to me. The karma train has come
in, and I expect to give what's due by getting far ahead and running a few
people that deserve it over along the way.
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