Apr 12, 2006 21:09
it was one of those days where I felt like I was on auto-piliot. Instructed by a reatrded and brainwashed brain of mush.
I ended up working at the kiosk and as it was I spent more time talking to my friends then actually working, mish and paul came in, then Fifi walked past, and sophicus then bet hand mitch and then yes the dreaded deane.
It wasn't a very productive day in any sense
chai tea with katicus and odin was rad however, I ran across the street to grab balloons for kate off a trolley only to find out that they were sticky and ewwy
yesterday was cool
it was fun. and I shall leave it at that
Phil gave me a lift home which was rad, and we listened to Foo fighters/ the pixies very loud in his car, and we went food shopping again, his offically my grocery shopping partner.
now I have 2 days off I feel brill
chai lattee's are the bomb from starbucks and are now my offical drink
I got my finger stuck in a boost drink cup lid thingy and it hurt ( phil laughed)
I bought my brother a cool tee from myers and a swimming bikini outfit for my sis, gotta love Myers and 75% off sales
my discman died today
R.I.P my blue little panasonic, you made my ears dance many a day
whats hotter: arms/legs/arse/hair/ or eyes????