Aug 26, 2008 07:51
My life is about to get very, very hectic.
Thanks to my Contemporary British Lit course this semester, I now measure book quantity by approximated weight (close to 30 lbs this semester, I think). I now have a huge selection of books to read, so that's good.
Still now way to pay rent, but my financial aid is in, so that's speeding things along nicely. I may have a job doing copy edits and revisions for a stream-of-consciousness writer I met at my cousin's wedding. She snatched my e-mail address and told me to start considering my per-page fee (help?), so that could help me in a part-time sense of finances. I'm watching my mailbox eagerly for that one... while simultaneously trying to find the time to paint the bathroom, respond the e-mail in my box, and study japanese.
So that's this week's "I'm so sorry I haven't been writing but there are so many stupid things going on that my head may explode at any minute, leaving my freshly-painted bedroom stained the nightmarish gray-pink of rapidly expanded blood and brain matter, effectively ruining my week" post.
I have to go to campus early today to get a jump on where shit is. Wish me luck?