Who watches the Watchmen?

Jul 20, 2008 22:43

Is it bright where you are?
Have the people changed?
Does it make you happy?
(you're so strange)
And in our darkest hour
I hold secrets flame
And we can watch the world devoured in its pain...

- "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning," The Smashing Pumpkins.

Of course, I have to talk about the Watchmen movie. After seeing The Dark Knight, I can only hope that Watchmen is 2009's version. It is, after all, a wonderfully dark, brooding story. here.

This is the part where, if you haven't, you go read it. Yes, that includes you,
grendelity, you'll have to get over your American-comic-italics-phobia.  It's worth it -- it is that good.

This should be a good movie, at any rate -- they got The Comedian dead on, Dr. Manhattan looks really, really amazing -- and his powers are beautifully illustrated... I've really got high hopes for this movie.

Anyway, not much else to say, except that they also seem to have the tone of the book pinned down perfectly in the trailer.  I hope that carries through to the end product...

So yeah.  Also, Rorschach's voice is great... and that line at the end of the trailer is very... very much perfectly done.

"The world will look up and shout, 'Save us!'  And I'll whisper, 'No.'"

So yeah, basically, it looks really good so far.  Can't wait to see the whole movie.


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