A quick note about Micheal Cera's downtime, and the future of Arrested Development

Jul 13, 2008 18:08

Okay, I know, I update in freaky bursts of text.

This is just a suggestion to what Ron Howard called the "devotees" of Arrested Development.  Micheal Cera (AD fans know him as "George Micheal") and a fellow named Clark Duke have a webshow called, appropriately enough, Clark and Micheal, and it is very, very funny.  If you enjoyed the dry humor of AD, you'll have fun with it.

Favorite quote so far:  Micheal, saying sadly, "They brushed our teeth with their dicks."

Also, rumor has it that an Arrested Development movie is in the works for 2009.  A lot of fans, myself included, are really hoping that this take on a Family Guy-like second life, where DVD sales and increased interest in the show caused it to return from the grave.  The movie could spearhead that effort with sales, or the buzz about a possible movie could realistically show Fox that there is still a large, viable market for a new season.

Anyway, take that and be happy.

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